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1990 - Present
D & D Enterprises San Diego, California

Virtual Dean of Students, "Ask the Professor"  for Proxima Corporation's Presenters University

Member of UCSD Information Technologies Web Publishing Course Design and Development Advisory board

Awarded UCSD Extension Outstanding Instructor 1999

Instructional Designer/Web Developer for the National University on-line Global Studies B.A. degree program.

Develop and implement extensive Internet curriculum presented to over 500 people through UCSD Extension Programs:

For Physicians:

Computer Training for Physicians (3 days) 

Palm Pilot Workshop (1 day)

Computer Training for Physicians:  Windows and Office Track (2 day) 

Advanced Computer Training for Physicians -- Internet and Research Track (2 day) 

UCSD Extension Courses I Teach:

Web Publishing I: Introduction to HTML
and Web Publishing Process

Web Publishing II: Adding Interactivity
and Design Improvement 

Web Publishing III: Site Design and

Introduction to Web Publishing

Microsoft FrontPage (1 day, 2 day and 3 Day classes)

Microsoft Internet Explorer

Becoming a Palm Pilot Power User (Catalog)

Researching on the Net (Catalog)

Information Architecture for the Web

Internet Essentials

Adobe GoLive (under development)

JavaScripting (under development)

Past Courses Developed and Taught Include:

Internet I & II (UCSD)

Internet Intensive (UCSD)

Web Tools: HTML WYSIWYG Web Editors and Tools (UCSD)

Internet E-Mail Using Eudora (UCSD)

Office 97: Getting Connected to the Web (UCSD)

Seizing the Power of the Internet (San Diego Hypermedia Center)

Finding Anything on the Internet (San Diego Hypermedia Center)

Mastering the World Wide Web (San Diego Hypermedia Center)

Seven Course Internet Hands-On Cyberskills Workshop Series (National University) 

Introduction to the Internet: Computer Literacy for the 21st Century

Finding Anything on the Internet: Available Research and Resources on the Internet

Understanding the World Wide Web: A Gentle Introduction to Surfing through Cyberspace

Developing Your Business on the Internet: The Promotion and Promise of Internet Commerce

Web Publishing with HTML I: A Beginning; Basic HTML Skills

Web Publishing with HTML II: Intermediate Skills

Web Publishing with HTML III: Advanced Topics

Faculty, Instructor, Presenter for:

National University (Core Faculty for Educational Technology M.S. Education Department)

University of California at San Diego (UCSD) (Internet and Multimedia Instruction for Information Technologies Certificate Programs)

San Diego Hypermedia Center (now defunct)

UCSD Continuing Medical Education

Other Accomplishments and Services

Through my company, I offer complete Internet consulting services to clients from selecting an Internet Service Provider, to designing, developing, and advertising World Wide Web pages. (E-Mail me for sample client sites!)

Develop and teach graduate level courses for National University's Educational Technology M.S. Education Program (Computer-Based Technology in the Classroom, Electronic Desktop Publishing, Multimedia and Interactive Technology, Presentation and Distance Learning, The Internet Curriculum)

Extensive technical software training and support on word processing Programs (Word Perfect, Microsoft Word), electronic spreadsheets (Lotus 1-2-3, Excel, Quattro Pro), presentation software (PowerPoint, Freelance, Word Perfect Presentations, Astound), Novell GroupWise, DOS, Windows, Windows 95, 98, ME, etc.

Provide complete hardware and software support for a variety of corporate and individual clients


1988 - 1990 INGRES Corporation Alameda, CA
Instructional Designer/Systems Manager

Designed, developed and delivered a variety of instructional courses for in-house staff

Novell Certified System Manager

Made recommendations and performed complete training and system support of PC hardware, software and Novell local area network

Oversaw development of three Computer-Based Training (CBT) courses by outside vendors.

1987 - 1988 Citicorp San Francisco, CA
Instructional Designer

Analyzed, designed and developed computer-based training systems for internal Citicorp clients

1984 - 1987 Computer Associates / ISSCO San Diego, CA
Computer-Based Training Project Director

Analyzed, designed, developed and delivered customer training classes and computer-based educational products in business, scientific and engineering graphic products

1983 - 1984 Control Data Corporation San Diego, CA
Education Analyst

Designed and developed complete Computer-Based Education and training systems for customers

1981 - 1983 National University Vista, CA
PLATO Learning Center Coordinator and Resource Specialist

Trained employees and university staff to apply PLATO technology

Developed curriculum and taught introductory computer courses

Conceived, developed, implemented and taught computer literacy program for 90 K-3 students


On Board of Directors for Instructional Technology (IT) and Computers and Education (CED) graduate programs at National University

Designed and taught eight courses for CED & IT Master's degree programs at National University

Developed and taught two courses for the CED certificate program offered through the University of California at San Diego (UCSD) Extension Program

Taught BASIC, LOGO and Computer Literacy to adults and children for Texas Instruments Corporation in San Diego

Established D & D Enterprises Consulting Firm (ongoing)


1983 National University -- Vista, CA

M.S. Education (4.0/4.0)

Major: Curriculum Development and Instruction
Minor: Instructional Technology
Received California Multiple Subjects Teaching Credential (Clear Ryan)

1981 University of California at Riverside -- Riverside, CA

B.A. Humanities and Social Sciences Interdisciplinary Major (3.7/4.0)

Undergraduate Thesis: Iranian National Character and Education


Work:  (858) 486-9909
Fax:     (858) 486-9988 |

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