Internet Research
Does the Pope have a home page?
How about the
Godiva Chocolates?
In this hands-on Internet Research
[offered every
quarter through the University of California at
San Diego Extension, (858) 534-3400]
you will learn about a variety of Internet help areas
and gain a broad understanding of search tools, tips and techniques. You will learn skills
that will allow you to harness the power of a variety of search engines and tools to serve
your research and recreation needs!
What to know what a Web robot or
Starting with a survey of Internet text tools such as Archie,
Veronica, Jughead, and Hytelnet, the course quickly moves into a hands-on comparison of
the relative strengths and weakness of the World Wide Web's top search tools (keyword,
directory and meta)
Want to know how to formulate a nested,
parenthetical literal Boolean query?
Do you want to know what that means??
The only thing growing faster than the Internet itself is the
number of search engines, tools, and directories being created to help you find on-line
information. Learn what works best for what types of information and discover hidden
search gems of the net!
This course differentiates general queries from natural language
queries, determines where best to find names, e-mail addresses, book or music quotations
and even obscure facts
Hey, do you know who invented
the swivel
[ * answer]
This course examines the search engine technology as it stands
today and mounts a challenge -- find the search tool that is right for YOU -- the tools
that returns the type and quantity of data you are seeking.
The goal of this 8 hour hands-on intensive research course is
to help you learn how best to locate the vast stores of informational and interpersonal
resources available on the Internet!
* Answer: Who Invented
the swivel chair: Thomas