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Technoweenies Site Search

You can search for any word you have seen in this website (Medline, research, Palm, Gumby, you name it!!)

Enter your search phrase or text in the box below and click "Start Search" to find all pages that contain the text you're
looking for.

(After the search, this page will be redisplayed with your search results at the bottom. Scroll down to see the list of pages
and click the links for easy access.)


Search for:

Use the form above to search for documents in this web containing specific words or combinations of words.

The text search engine will display a weighted list of matching documents, with better matches shown first.

Each list item is a link to a matching document; if the document has a title it will be shown, otherwise only the document's file name is displayed.

A brief explanation of the query language is available, along with examples.

Query Language

The text search engine allows queries to be formed from arbitrary Boolean expressions containing the keywords AND, OR, and NOT, and grouped with parentheses. For example:

information retrieval
finds documents containing 'information' or 'retrieval'

information or retrieval
same as above

information and retrieval
finds documents containing both 'information' and 'retrieval'

information not retrieval
finds documents containing 'information' but not 'retrieval'

(information not retrieval) and WAIS
finds documents containing 'WAIS', plus 'information' but not 'retrieval'

finds documents containing words starting with 'web'

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