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World Wide Web Medical Resources

The National Library of Medicine

Facts about The National Library of Medicine (NLM):

World's largest biomedical library

Explores the uses of computer and communication technologies to improve the organization and use of biomedical information

Supports a national network of local and regional medical libraries, as explained at http://www.nlm.nih.gov/pubs/factsheets/nnlm.html 

Educates users (patients) about available sources of information so that they may conduct their own research concerning medical topics [MedlinePlus]

Acts as a supplemental resource after local, regional, and other national resources have been contacted 

Creates vast databases and databanks such as: 

The Visible Human Project

Viewable Movies & Sample Files

Human Genome Resources


Internet Grateful Med, etc.

Provides grants 

The Virtual Hospital

The Virtual Hospital (VH) is a project of the Electric Differential Multimedia Laboratory, Department of Radiology, University of Iowa College of Medicine. It is a continuously updated digital health sciences library stored on computers and available over high speed networks 24 hours a day. The VH provides invaluable patient care support and distance learning to practicing physicians and other healthcare professionals.

There is a Virtual Hospital Component called the "Iowa Health Book" which provides information to the general public on a variety of health issues.

The Virtual Hospital may be used to answer patient care questions, thus putting the latest medical information at physicians' fingertips. This same information may be used for Continuing Medical Education (CME), delivering CME to physicians' offices and homes at their convenience. The VH is built on existing Internet communication standards and uses the World-Wide Web (WWW) software technology to store, organize, and distribute our multimedia textbooks (MMTBs). We define a MMTB to be a program that patterns its user interface after a printed textbook. Our MMTBs incorporate functions such as free text searching, the ability to play video and audio clips, and to display an unlimited number of high-resolution images.

Link to The Virtual Hospital now!

Virtual Hospital Quick Search page

Links to FULL Text General Medical Journals

Hardin MD from University of Iowa has gather together a wonderful resource of a selected list of "free-to-all" full-text general medical journals. Most of them have no trial period stated by the publisher, and will presumably be available permanently; a few are available on free trial basis. The list of available journals is broken out into columns and the second column has links to back issues (archives), links to a representative recent issue (with all articles full-text unless noted as selected), and a sample article from the issue.

Link to Harden MD Electronic Journal Showcase Now!

Medicine Online (MOL)

Medicine Online Inc., is a World Wide Web directory of medical related sites. Medicine Online is a medical Internet Service Provider for hospitals and the medical community. Medicine Online provides up-to-date medical resources, information, references, and connections for just about anyone in the medical field.

MOL states that the Internet will allow every doctor to be linked to every clinic and hospital in the world through Medicine Online (MOL); a medical directory which serves as a gateway to the world of medicine on the Internet. MOL is the computer catalyst that will revitalize America's healthcare industry. MOL will bring to our healthcare system what the government has failed to achieve: efficiency, quality, and economy. Medicine Online is a physician-based corporation that offers high quality networking, and Internet services. In addition to these services, we provide up-to-date resources, information, references and connections for just about anyone in the medical field. MOL's goal is not only to provide you with an Internet connection, but to make you a successful and productive Internet user.

With more and more insurance companies, healthcare plans, and doctors competing for clients, it is vital to get an edge on the competition. Medicine Online will allow medical organizations such as hospitals, pharmaceutical, and biotechnology companies to distribute information about their product and services not just locally, but globally via the World Wide Web through E-mail services, database programs, forms, and advertising.

Jump to MOL now!

A.D.A.M. Medical Encyclopedia at NLM 

The National Library of Medicine (NLM)  has recently added the adam.com medical encyclopedia to its popular consumer health resource MEDLINEplus. Accessed via the above URL or from the Medical Encyclopedia tab at the main MEDLINE site, the encyclopedia contains over 4,000 articles and medical images organized in eight topical sections: Disease, Injury, Nutrition, Poison, Special, Surgery, Symptoms, and Tests. Users can browse the encyclopedia entries alphabetically within each of the eight areas. Some entries are a bit brief, but most contain images and cross-references to related entries. Overall, this is an excellent resource for both health professionals and consumers. 

Jump to the free ADAM Medical Encyclopedia now!

The Harvard Medical Web

Don't miss this Virtual Library of Medicine with links to the Countway Library which includes resources and services including HOLLIS (Harvard University's Online catalog) and the Countway Gopher.

The Programs, Departments and Services has links the Harvard Schools of Dental Medicine and Public Health. Includes gateway to HMS-Affiliated Hospitals and Institutions.

Also, there are full text electronic journals, newsletters, and other publications. Includes Harvard-produced electronic publications and electronic journal finding tools.

The Education site links to Medical Students Education, Residents/Fellows Education (teaching files and residency programs), Ph.D. Training, Medical Continuing Education.

Finally, the Web Tools section contains "The Countway Web Catalog" which is a collection of biomedicine-related web sites. Includes the Countway Web Reference, search engines, and web sites in basic sciences, dental medicine, public health, and history of medicine.

Don't miss this Virtual Library of Medicine !!

The University of Washington Radiology Web server

Visit the University of Washington Radiology Web server
a well designed site which contains links to:

Anatomy Teaching Modules

Radiology Exhibits

On-Line CME

On-Line Musculoskeletal Imaging

On-Line Teaching Files

Quick Cases

Medical World Search

Search the full text of nearly 100,000 Web pages from thousands of SELECTED medical sites -- Medical World Search is the first search engine on the World Wide Web especially developed for the medical field. Medical World Search can aid medical
practitioners, researchers, or anyone with basic knowledge of medicine, to formulate an optimally precise query to search the World Wide Web and find exactly the information they need. 

The major goals of Medical World Search are to provide a search engine that operates over a selection of the most high quality medical sites on the Web and to facilitate searching by using a medical thesaurus that understands medical terminology and can thus search for related terms automatically.

Visit Medical World Search now!

The California Medical Association

On September 15, 1996 CMA officially launched it's Internet Website -- CMAnet. This Website has an electronic physicians database, an on-line news service, and lots of useful links.

Visit CMAnet Now!

Jump to Other California Medical Resources


The MedTerms.com Medical Dictionary is somewhat different from the traditional medical dictionary. Since this Dictionary was first conceived some years ago, the medical staff of MedicineNet.com  has added (and subtracted) entries almost daily. They have also revised existing entries on an ongoing basis. The MedTerms.com Dictionary is an online publication with the advantages of
this electronic medium. 

The MedTerms.com Dictionary contains a considerable and constantly changing number of classical and contemporary medical terms. Some of the entries to these terms are longer than regular dictionary entries and are miniature medical essays. The end result is that this Dictionary might be called an "e- encyclopedic dictionary." They have called it simply a Dictionary to emphasize its function as an easy-access, reliable reference. 

Standard Medical Dictionary Terms Plus ....

The choice of terms in this Dictionary is a purposeful mixture. Entries in the Dictionary include not only the usual standard medical terms but also pertinent scientific items, abbreviations, acronyms, jargon, institutions, projects, symptoms, syndromes, eponyms, medical history -- all having to do with medicine and the biomedical sciences, particularly anything of value and of interest. 

Visit MedTerms.com now!

Stanford University Medical Web

The Stanford University Medical Center comprises the Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford Health Services (hospital and clinics), and Lucile Salter Packard Children's Hospital at Stanford.

Link to Stanford University Medical now!

Physicians On-Line

PHYSICIANS' ONLINE (POL) is the leading medical information and communication network in the world. POL connects its physician members with the largest online community of their peers while offering the most up-to-date medical resources and direct links to associations, health plans, pharmaceutical sponsors and health care organizations.

Jump to Physicians' On-Line Now!

Health on the Net

Jump to the Health On the Net Code of Conduct HONcode Medical and Health Websites

Miscellaneous Medical Resource Pages

The Interactive Medical Student Lounge

This site has links to general medical sites, medical departments, medicine related home pages, as well as medical journals and news links.


Kettering Medical Center Index of Medical Sites by Name

Links to such on-line resources as National Library of Medicine and the National Institute of Health

Jump to Kettering Index of Medical Sites now!

Even More Internet Medical Resources

Links to Yahoo's List of On-Line Medical Journals

New England Journal of Medicine On-line, a weekly journal reporting the results of important medical research worldwide

Awesome Doctor's Research Page

A Family Medicine Resident at Deaconess Hospital in Evansville, Indiana put together a nice collection of Internet Medical Resources

Try out Emory University's MedWeb Biomedical Internet Resources

Resources to Give Your Patients for  Research

Medline Plus from the National Library of Medicine 


MedlinePlus is a goldmine of up-to-date, quality health care information from the world’s largest medical library -- The National Library of Medicine at the National Institutes of Health

The MedlinePlus service provides access to extensive information about specific diseases and conditions
There is no advertising on this site, nor does MedlinePlus endorse any company or product

Medline Plus Tour:

Health Topics:  http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/tour/healthtopics1.html  

Clinical Trials: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/tour/clinicaltrials1.html 

MEDLINE: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/tour/medline1.html  

Encyclopedia: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/tour/encyclopedia1.html  

Drug Information: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/tour/druginfo1.html  

Physicians: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/tour/physicians1.html 

 Medline Plus Direct Links

Health Topics: 

Clinical Trials: 



Drug Information:


   C|Net's Favorite Internet Medical Web Sites

Aimed at consumers, hundreds of health-oriented Web sites have sprouted up on the Net. These sites are being used by Netizens to research on health-related issues, from dietary concerns to facts on specific illnesses or drugs. 

But which sites can patients rely on? Of all the health sites out there, only some are current and accurate enough to merit trust. To help patients  narrow down options, c|net evaluated a multitude of medical sites and picked their favorites. Here are their choices...

Link to c|net's Favorite Medical Web Sites

Related Links

c|net's Special Report: Medicine by Modem


Created by MedicineNet.com, this free and constantly revised encylopedic dictionary of classic and contemporary medical terms contains over 9,000 entries. 

Written entirely by physicians for both professional and non-professional readers, the dictionary also includes "pertinent scientific items, abbreviations, acronyms, jargon, institutions, projects, symptoms, syndromes, eponyms, medical history -- all having to do with medicine and the biomedical sciences, particularly anything of value and of interest." Users can browse the dictionary by alphabetical entry or conduct a keyword search. The length of dictionary entries vary widely, and some are quite brief. Some, however (mostly conditions or diseases), include links to detailed articles and related forums at the MedicineNet main site. 

While new medical information sites seem to pop up every day, the depth of Medterms, the frequent updates, and its doctor-only editors mark it as a notable resource

Visit MedicineNet.com

Hi there, Diane Cunningham here!

If you find any on-line medical references you think should be included here, please click on my name above and send me some e-mail with the URL and I will try to include it on this Medlink page!

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