Internet Health
Companion Sites: Special
- The Betty Ford Center
The Betty Ford Center provides effective alcohol and other drug dependency treatment
services to help women, men and families begin the process of recovery. Discover
information about inpatient, outpatient, family, children's and training programs.
- Doctor's Guide to
Asthma Information & Resources
The Doctor's Guide to Asthma Information & Resources includes current contents,
medical news and alerts, Asthma Information, Drug Information, Discussion Groups and
Newsgroups, and Other Related Issues.
- Bereavement &
Hospice Support Netline
The Bereavement and Hospice Support Netline includes information on support groups by
state, national bereavement organizations and professional organizations and associations.
- Breast Cancer Answers
The Breast Cancer Answers page includes hot topics, frequently asked questions, breast
cancer resources, questions you should ask your doctor, and a link so you can ask your own
breast cancer questions.
- National Cancer Institute:
The National Cancer Institute calls their web site CancerNet. Here you will find
information in three areas: Patients and the Public, Health Professionals, and Basic
- Today's Caregiver
Today's Caregiver is print magazine aimed at providing resources, support, information,
empowerment tools, advice and insight to those providing care for loved ones. Information
on recent issues is provided.
An excellent health information resource for diabetes on the web with information areas
covering news, health, exercise & diet, avoiding complications, pregnancy, support
groups, sexual intimacy, risk factors and much more.
The National Center for Infectious Diseases is committed to the prevention and control of
traditional, new and reemerging infectious diseases in the United States and around the
- National Organization for
Rare Disorders
Check out the NORD web site to learn their mission, gain a definition of rare disorders,
see NORD's newsletter, search databases from NORD and find out how you can participate.
Hi there, Diane Cunningham
If you find any on-line medical references you think should be
included here, please click on my name above and send me some e-mail with the URL and I
will try to include it on this Medlink page! |